Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Top 10 Internet Tips and Tricks

Hello Readers!
Today I write this article which is very helpful for you, so let me start it.
You don't need the http:// portion of a web page:
When typing an Internet Address you don't need to type http:// or WWW. in the address bar. For example if you wanted to visit Super Pc Tricks, you could just type and press enter. To make this thing even quicker, if you are visiting a .com address you can type superpctrick.blogspot and then press Ctrl + Enter to type out the full address of
This tip is very simple but most use-able for all the people.

Quick move between the fields of a Web Page:
If you are filling out an on-line forum like Email or other text field then you can quickly move between each of the field or boxes by just pressing the Tab key (to move next) or Shift + Tab (to move back). For example if you are filing your name and the next field in your phone number then you can press the Tab key to switch to the phone number field and similarly if you want to move back on name field then you can press Shift + Tab key
Tip #1: This tip also applies to the buttons, if you press Tan and the Web Developer has designed correctly then button should be selected and it allow you to press Enter or Space bar to push the button.

Tip #2: If you have a drop-down menu box that lists every country or every state then you can click that box and then press the letter of the state or country which that you are looking for. For example, is a drop-down box of States in United States then you can press "u" on the keyboard to quickly scroll to the desire state.

Know your Internet Browser short-cuts:
There is dozens of different short-cuts keys that an be used with Internet Browsers. Blow are few of my suggested Internet Browsers short-cuts.

  • Pressing Alt + D in any major Internet Browser will move the cursor into the address bar. This is a great way to quickly enter an Internet address without having to click the mouse cursor in the address bar.
  • Hold down the Ctrl key and press the + or - to increase and decrease the size of text.
  • Press the backspace key or hold down the Alt key + left arrow to go back a page.
  • Press F5 to refresh or reload a web page.
  • Press F11 to make the Internet Browser screen full screen. Press F11 again to return back to the normal view.
  • Press Ctrl + B to open your Internet Bookmarks.
  • Press Ctrl + F to open the find box in the browser to search for text within the web page you are looking at.
Also Read this Trick
Step-by-Step instructions to add watermark to the word document.

Note: This is only applicable for the Microsoft Word 97-2010

Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP (2000)/2003:
1- Open the Word Document that you want to add watermark to.
2- Select "Format" from the top menu and then select "Background" and then "Printed Watermark"
3- In the "Printed Watermark" dialog:
    A. To insert a text watermark:
  • Select the "Text Watermark".
  • Then, either select a pre-defined text from the drop-down or type in your desire text on the "Text" field.
  • Customize your watermark with other option in this dialog such as text size, colour, etc. and then click "OK"
  • Watermark is now inserted into your document.
     B. To insert an image Watermark:
  • Select the "Picture Watermark"
  • Then click on the button "Select Picture..."
  • Navigate to the directory where your watermark picture is located. Select it and click "Insert"
  • Select a customized scale if desired and then click "OK"
  • The image is now inserted into your document as watermark.
Microsoft Word 2007/2010:
1- Open the Word Document that you want to add watermark to.
2- Select the "Page Layout" Tab from the top menu.
3- In the "Page Background" group, select "Watermark"
4- You can now select one of the pre-defined watermark or if you wish to use your own text and image then select "Custom Watermark"
     At the "Printed Watermark" dialog:

     A. To insert a text watermark
  • Select the "Text Watermark"
  • Then, either select a pre-defined text from the drop-down or type in your desire text on the "Text" field.
  • Watermark is now inserted into your document.
     B. To insert an image watermark:
  • Select the "Picture Watermark"
  • Then click on the button "Select Picture..."
  • Navigate to the directory where your watermark picture is loaded. Select it and click "Insert"
  • Select a customized scale if desired and then click "OK"
  • The image is now inserted into your document as watermark.

    If you feel any Help, feel free to contact me by “E-mail” and “comment box”

    A Internet Trick by SYED HASSAN RAZA

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